Tuesday, December 1, 2009

io antics and the power of yes

these are some of io's favorite things to say:
"go away!
"leave me alone!"

and my personal favorite:
"just grow up!"
then she runs into the room and slams the door. this is her satsuki (totoro) manifestation of anger.

i think that "no" was actually her first word. up until this week, the word "yes" was not even a part of her vocabulary. in heated moments when i can self-regulate--or in other words,stop myself from wringing her neck--i can't help but be fascinated at how vehemently opposed she is to compliance. i can tell she has such a difficult time being at the losing end of a power struggle. when she feels powerless, you will see her tense up, shake, and then erupt with a guttural scream. it ain't a pretty sight. thank goodness for all these non-violent parenting classes! they have taught me how to avoid power struggles all together. i mean, if you think about it no one likes to be the loser at a tug-of-war. so i guess i can't be that mad her. i am ecstatic that she has finally decided to add "yes" to her repertoire--not because she is more obedient, but because we are both learning to put our guards down and grow together.

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