Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2009

back away from your credit card

Yes, Reverend Billy and The Church of Life After Shopping is pretty extreme, but you know there is something wrong with our society when somone gets trampled to death for a good deal on a flat screen television. And if Black Friday isn't enough, we now have Cyber Mondays! There are some people out there who think that consumer spending is going to save our economy like the birth of baby Jesus. If that is true, then that makes us a nation that is only as strong as the things we can buy. and frankly, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. what happens when people can no longer afford to connect with one another without the aid of a third party? what happens when you can't provide the DS or the iTouch for your loved ones? will we actually have to start connecting with each other? hmm. that's a thought. the truth is, the holidays are looking real slim for many people. hopefully, this year we learn that doin' it big doesn't leave us with anything more than empty pockets and empty hearts.

try something new this a good deed for a stranger, sing a song, play twister--connect and contribute something to humanity that you can't put a bow on!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

thankgiving simplified

thanksgiving was simple. we did away with the turkey this year and had salmon instead. that left us time to just hang out and actually enjoy the holiday. i can remember years when we were so tired from cooking that we barely had enough energy to actually taste the food! i think that the theme of simplicity is going to serve us well this holiday season.